Modus Legendi 2020: acquista “Eclissi” dal 2 all’8 marzo!

Di Modus Legendi ve ne abbiamo già parlato nelle scorse edizioni, e anche quest’anno non potevamo esimerci dal farlo: dal 2 all’8 marzo si sta svolgendo la settimana dell’acquisto! Il libro vincitore è “Eclissi” di Ezio Sinigaglia (Nutrimenti Edizioni), che durante la votazione ha sbaragliato gli altri 4 titoli con più di 900 voti su […]
Abbiamo una foresta su Treedom!

Sono sempre stata una fan di Treedom, e le mie socie Federica ed Elisa condividono il mio amore per il bellissimo progetto che c’è dietro: piantare alberi per rinverdire il pianeta, sostenere l’economia locale e proteggere l’ambiente. Gli alberi hanno i poteri! Pensaci, è proprio così: proteggono l’ambiente, catturano CO2 e coi loro frutti favoriscono sviluppo […]
Grain and noise texture
Adding noise to an image is easy and you really can enhance the image. But, to make noise-inducing images that look like nature, sometimes you’ll want to add some grain. Here are a few ways to add grain to an image that have no effect on your image. If shadows are just not to your […]
World Chocolate Day – Vimeo Video

Animate character or objects to a certain level on the fly. For example: a robot can be put into stasis at a preset level, while a statue can be moved over to another space while an enemy can be put back into stasis. Once the robot or statue goes into stasis, the other robot or statue […]
How to Be a Fashion-Loving Minimalist
If you read an article about how to live without an income every day for the rest of your life, you might be thinking, “Well … that isn’t going to happen.” But you’re wrong, because there is the possibility that we can achieve that on a daily basis. It’s not easy, but there are some […]
What is an Influencer?

An influencer is someone who has a large following within the product or service, and can influence customers or potential customers to take a particular action. I’ve written before about how the “social media manager” is key to building a successful product, and why influencers are key to building strong brand authority as well. How […]
Go Places You’ve Dreamed of
I have been working and playing hockey for six years now and I’m trying to qualify for some international tournaments in the future to represent Canada. The officer is a tall man with a well defined jaw and full beard. His white T-shirt, long sleeves and baseball cap are all reflective of his service. He […]
Sunrise and Sunset on Mars

To explore the surface of Mars as a whole, scientists have focused almost exclusively on a portion of its surface, called the ‘Celestial latitudes’. It has a latitude of about 55 degrees north, and a longitude of about 2 degrees south. The surface is cold at this latitude, and at a very specific location, in […]
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Chinese Proverb … what this Chinese Proverb means to you now? Basically in the context of the conversation here today, this means that if you want success and growth in the future, the best time to act is now.